The pure capitalism system is characterized by the private ownership of resources.The pure command system is characterized by the public ownership of resources.
Free Market is characterized by the unregulated exchange of goods and services.
trade winds
lack of social mobility
Neither - an air traffic controller is a person, not hardware or software. They are responsible for air traffic flow.
The major factor in every social system when studying the traffic system is the behavior and interactions of individuals within the system. Understanding how people drive, follow rules, make decisions, and interact with others on the road is essential in studying and improving traffic systems.
It is poo.
A decentralized politcal system
Your license can be suspended if you are in a certain number of points for traffic offense on the point system.
If a traffic light breaks most cities will assign a traffic cop to regulate traffic until the light can be fixed.
Probably the Control Unit, as it tells all the other units what to do and when to do it.
decentralized political system