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cell phones are mainly used for communicating such as txting, calling and etc...and for entertainment as well and also for emergencies

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Q: What are cell phones used for mainly?
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What phones still have physical keypads?

Phones that are still constructed and vastly used containing physical keypads mainly consist of home, land-line, public and non-touchscreen cell phones.

What are rugged cell phones used for?

Rugged cell phones are cell phones that are durable and can withstand accidents such as being dropped and handled roughly better than most normal cell phones can.

When was old Cell Phones Used?

Do you mean 'When were the first cell phones sold?' If so, the answer is in the mid 1980s.

What was used before cell phones were invented to communicate?

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How are web cell phones used?

They are used for stuff.

What are two types of cell phones used world wide?

There are many more than two types of cell phones used worldwide.

Used Cell Phones?

form_title= Used Cell Phones form_header= Purchase a used cell phone. What type of cell phone do you want?*= _ [50] Do you have a service provider?*= () Yes () No Do you want a smart phone?*= () Yes () No

Where can I get cheap used cell phones? sells cheap used cell phones. Older models as well as newer models can be found used and for discounted prices. Some used phones are not in working condition, or some phones are locked. eBay also offers phones for a cheap price.

'where are cell phones used'?

Cell phones can be used anywhere as long as the battery is not dead and as long as you have signal. Cell phones should not be used in movie theaters, concert halls, or other places where such usage would annoy or irritate other patrons. Cell phones also should not be used while driving, unless with some hands free device.

What exactly is cell phone recycling?

It is when you turn in you old used cell phones. the cell phones are then recycled or given to various charity organization. Batter women is one organization that recycles cell phones.

Is gold used in cell phones?
