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Pre-contemplation: In this initial stage, individuals may be outwardly unaware of their problems or be in denial. Either way, they definitely do not want to appear broken or damaged. As a general rule, "Pre-contemplators" often wish other people would change, as in: "How can I get my superior to quit bothering me about my poor people skills? That's just who I am." or "Things will change during the next quarter when I get through this especially tough assignment."

Contemplation: Contemplators are aware that they face problems and are seriously thinking about grappling with these problems sometime within the next six months.

Preparation: Individuals and organizations at this stage intend to take action within the next month. These individuals have taken personal responsibility for causing or contributing the need for change. In addition, these individuals have set a personalized measurable goal - a change that is under one's own control, rather than dependent on someone else's behavior.

Action: In this stage, individuals and organizations are taking concrete steps to change their behavior, experiences, or environment, in order to overcome their problems. Because action often brings up feelings of guilt, failure, coercion, and yearning to resume old familiar behaviors, individuals and organizations typically need a lot of support during this period. A sobering statistic: at any given time, only 10-15 percent of individuals or organizations in the process of change are engaged in the action stage.

Maintenance: During this stage, individuals and organizations work to consolidate their gains and prevent relapse. It is important that individuals and organizations remember that all merger experiences are different. Assuming a one-size-fits-all approach will not work! Instead, assess the group as individuals, to determine their stage of change. Go slowly. Anticipate backsliding. While the term "stages of change" suggests that change marches forward in a step-by-step, linear fashion, it actually occurs in a spiral pattern, meaning change comes in both forward and backward movement. This is normal and to be expected. Good leaders should educate their staff and clients about the inevitable spiraling nature of change to help counteract doubt, shame, and frustration about regressing to earlier stage

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Q: What are the stages in empowerment process?
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Yes, the word 'empowerment' is a noun, a word for the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make decisions and take actions; a word for a thing.

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Power empowerment refers to the process of enhancing an individual's capacity to make decisions and take action to achieve their goals. Types of power empowerment include personal empowerment, where individuals gain control over their own lives and choices, and social empowerment, which involves collective action and community organizing to address systemic issues. Both types of empowerment promote autonomy, self-efficacy, and agency.

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The answer is C