"So" retains the same meaning whether it is used in slang or correct English.
a slang. "you are so cute"
Do you mean "nutting" if so its a slang word for nothing.
Tb could mean terabit because TB (upper case B) means terabyte. Tera could mean one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) or (when referring to RAM) two to the power of forty (1,099,511,627,776). There are eight bits in a byte so there are about one trillion bits in a terabit (Tb) and eight trillion bits in a terabyte (TB).
"Cat" in slang means: female, person or friend. So, "Cool Cat" would just mean a cool person.
"So" retains the same meaning whether it is used in slang or correct English.
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is another funny slang for a drunk. "Lush" is slang for a drunk, so the cowboys made him really drunk.
It isn't a real word but it may be slang I don't use slang so I don't know? I looked in a dictionary it wasn't there so I don't know?!
someone who has no class
"Fly" is slang for hip, modern, popular.
To be very angry or butthurt and say slang words while being angry, hence the saying ''Why are you so salty man?''
In British slang, the word "aggie" means agitating. It is directed at a person. For example "For crying out loud he is so aggie!"