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Drain on the dial of a washing machine usually just means it drains the water out that is currently sat in the bottom of the machine allowing the door to be opened

or to become empty

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Q: What does drain mean on the Dial on an LG Washer Dryer?
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Long drain.

What does WD conn mean?

I believe it means Washer/Dryer connections. Usually seen on apartment ads.

What is a load of clothes?

A load of clothes is a bunch of clothes put into a washer

What does error code 90 mean on an AEG washer dryer?

Error code 90 on an AEG washer dryer means a loose connection between the main pcb to the display pcb. In total there are 5 blue wires which can be seen by removing the lid which could potentially be loose.

What is the pipe called when its connected to a washing machine?

Washer supply hose, 3/4 x 3/4Water , or you could mean drain line hose. Drain

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An LG combo can mean a variety of products. For example, if you are buying a washer and dryer that is from LG, both of these products would be the 'combo'.

Samsung washing machine p1453 what does 5 e mean on the computerised screen when machine stops working?

quite simple, when 5e is displayed it means to check the debris filter at the bottom right hand side of washer. dont forget to drain the washer first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Assuming you mean an LG brand combo washer/dryer unit, the exact number is not specified on the manufacturers site, however they do boast a long lasting appliance.

What does OE on an lg tromm washer mean?

System not draining, check behined front panel in lower left corner. drain water using the tube then open the bigger drain and clean out. If this doesnt solve the problem check drain pump by tilting on back and removing the pump front left corner

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Call me (Literal meaning is dial me/dial my number)

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what does f70 code mean on a duet model wed9600tao dryer

What does it mean if my washer won't spin?

If your washer won't spin, it could be due to a broken drive belt, a faulty motor, a clogged drain pump, or a malfunctioning lid switch. Check these components to troubleshoot the issue and determine the necessary repair.