Well it means valentine super easy! lol
get it:
can u be my 'val' aka valentine! its just a short way of saying it! i personally think its dumb that people are still asking since its like already may but whatever! :P
i think you mean val and that means well boy friend or girl frind
to talk on Fantage
val has no meaning in Hebrew.
VUV means boyfriend and/or girlfriend on Fantage.
i think you mean pd. Pd means prom date on fantage. but most ppl use "beb" on fantage. hope that helped :)
u mean fantage ecoin generator?fantage beta mediafire
On fantage pd means PROM DATE. (btw: i need a prom date im on fantage jesse5008)
it means.. high school drama... its a theme for Fantage Movies
a vev on fantage is beb like date and mate but i young ok
On Fantage you are not allowed to type the word "boyfriend". When you play on Fantage ask people "Do you want to be my one?" instead of "Do you want to be my boyfriend?".
Lol mean " Laugh Out Loud"
Fantastic Age.