Dont know dont care
2G means 2nd Generation(Erandam Thalaimurai) & spectrum is a radio frequency band width this one used for make the communication path between the mobile phone users....
2g scam
2Gspectrum means nothing but the wireless mobiles which was introduced in second generation are call as 2G Spectrum
The Issue is about the time allegations of misappropriation during the bidding for allocation of 2G spectrum surfaced, till Telecom Minister A Raja's ouster, high drama charged both politics in Delhi and Tamil Nadu.So..WHAT IS SPECTRUM SCAM?2G licenses issued to private telecom players at throwaway prices in 2008.CAG: Spectrum scam has cost the government Rs. 1.76 lakh croreCAG: Rules and procedures flouted while issuing licenses(CAG): Comptroller and Auditor General of India
il is second generation
2g spectrum is old idea 3g spect rum
2G is means nothing but the wireless mobiles which was introduced in second generation are call as 2-G . spectrum is means nothing but it is a bandwidth which was given by government of India
there are many politicians in jail because of 2G spectrum scandal. the main politician is the former telecoms minister A.RAJA.
Rs 176,379 crores
A raja
2g scam