In Greek myth Andromeda was bethorthed to Phineus.
Andromedas require ericacious conditions. They will not tolerate lime.
The Andromeda constellation takes the rough shape of the English alphabet letter "A."
Andromeda was not a Greek goddess, she was a mortal princess of Eithiopia and later wife of Perseus and queen of Mycenae.
equinoctial system of coordinates
The team coordinates their action by the clock. What are the coordinates of that country?
Integral coordinates are coordinates that are whole numbers. Integral coordinates cannot be fractional or have decimals. They are used, generally, for gross designations.
The x coordinates are horizontal whereas the y coordinates are vertical on the Cartesian plane.
The coordinates of Australia are 2790s 133556E
A point has coordinates; an angle does not.
There is no patron saint of coordinates.
It is where the x and y coordinates intersect.