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Q: What is a community profile?
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Does editing your profile count as a contribution under Edits or under Community?

Editing a profile counts as a contribution to Community. You can check this out by looking at the Stats box on the right-hand side of your profile, and letting your mouse hover over "Community." (See Related question below)

In developing a community profile one of the factors is?

One important factor to consider in developing a community profile is the demographics of the population, such as age, ethnicity, education level, and income. This information can provide insights into the needs and preferences of the community.

What does Community mean in the Stats section of your profile?

If you hover your mouse over the word "Community" in the leaderboard of the stats box on your profile, you will see that you get community contributions for the following:Messaging other usersPosting in the Discussion areaMaking profile edits

What is fee profile?

a range of fees considered usual in a given community

How do you get community contributions on WikiAnswers?

Community contributions are earned by message boards posts, profile edits, and discussion page posts.

How do you get the milestone contribution badges on your profile?

The badges are added to your profile by the Community Assistants.If you are missing a badge, please leave a message for Deb."UserDiscuss:Deb"

How do I make my profile work?

If there is a problem with your Profile, please contact ours Bugs Team via the "Malfunction Discussion" part of the Community Forum.

Where is a good community on livejournal to read eunhae fanfics?


How do I access Steam's community?

First off you need to download steam then you make a user. When you have done that it should log you in and you will see in the top left hand corner that there is a community heading, click on that and click edit profile which is to your left and then make a profile (make sure you make a steam community id). Now you can access steam community.

How do you put a badge on your WikiAnswers profile?

Community Assistants are the ones who add badges to someone's profile. If you're talking about adding a badge or of the sort in your profile box, you can simply right-click on the image, and click 'copy image', and paste it in your profile box, it'll then be copied into the profile box.

How do you get the badge on your profile for being a Double Platinum contributor?

The badges are added to your profile by the Community Assistants.If you are missing a badge, please leave a message for Deb."UserDiscuss:Deb"