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In WikiAnswers, a question is any query typed into the top field of the page marked "Ask a Question." A good question is any query that would be researchable by a complete stranger. For example: "How many triangles are there in Epcot's World Of Communication pavillion?" would be a good question. "Should I leave my boyfriend?" would not.

As far as "false questions," there are inaccurate answers as this is an open forum -- anyone can answer a question -- and that is why most answers are open to editing. To my knowledge, we don't plant questions. There are enough user questions to fill a lifetime.

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Q: What is a question and are there false questions?
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Can a true or false question have an explanation?

There is no way to put an explanation into a question. It is best NOT to try to ask true-false questions on this website because they are not questions, they are just statements. Change the statement into a question and ask that instead, and you will get the right answer. For example, don't ask "Cats are carnivores" ask "Are cats carnivores?"

Where can you ask true or false questions?

You can ask them here so long as you phrase them as a question. For example, you don't ask "The earth is round." and expect to get an answer because that is a statement not a question. You would ask "Is the earth round?" to get an answer.

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You tell by knowing the material and studying. If you have kept up with your work, it will be pretty obvious that the answer is true or false unless you have a sneaky teacher who makes really hard test questions.

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Yeah its not the part of the questions but the remainig part of the question depends on it

When to use true-false?

True- false is a common type of questions style for test taking. Many times the true-false is used for pop quizzes and usually used with simple question that based on fact rather than opinion.

Why doesn't anybody Answer these Questions?

I am answering the question right now. This means that the statement 'why doesn't anybody answer these questions' is an unanswerable question, because to answer the question, it would mean answering the question, making for a question that cannot be answered correctly. In other words, if I didn't answer the question, you would never know. If I did answer the question, then it would automatically prove the statement false. I am answering the question, therefore the question cannot be further explained.

What is a true or false question?

U ask true or false questions in school subjects

Why does this site always give false answers?

It looks like you are combining all your questions with similar, but different questions. Try to word you question clearly so that people can help you better, and don't blame the website if you merge your questions incorrectly.

When you ask questions on are they False?

Some people ask questions that are very difficult to answer or ask questions that break the rules of the site (in which case they will not be answered) but all the questions that appear are real questions asked by the users of so they are not False questions.