A UK telephone number beginning 0844, or +44 844 in international format, is a non-geographic "special-rate" number. They are generally more expensive than geographic numbers, but less expensive than "premium-rate" numbers.
The country code and area code of Kalat, Pakistan is 92, (0)844.
The country code and area code of Awiel, Sudan is 249, (0)844.
The country code and area code of Saltillo- Coah., Mexico is 52, (01)844.
Country code +44 is the UK, and +44 7926 is a mobile code, along with the rest of +44 74 through +44 79.
The country code and area code of Volgograd region, Russian Federation is 7, (8)844.
Country code +44 is the United Kingdom. Area code +44 1303 (or 01303 in UK domestic format) is Folkestone.
Area code 844 is not assigned to a geographical area, it is a toll free number area code. Other toll free area codes are 800, 855, 866, 877, and 888. The actual place being called when calling a toll free number may be nearly anywhere, oven outside the US.
The country code and area code of Aberdeen, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1224.
The country code and area code of Coventry, United Kingdom is 44, (0)24.
Country code +44 is the United Kingdom.
The country code and area code of Leeds, United Kingdom is 44, (0)113.
Until the early 1990's, area code +44 21 (or 021 within the UK) was Birmingham, which is now area code +44 121 (or 0121 within the UK). There has never been an area code +44 217 (or 0217) in the UK.