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DMA Stands for -- Deferred Maintenance Alarm

PMA Stands for -- Prompt Maintenance Alarm

Ashish Kumar

Nawada, Bihar

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13y ago
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PMA Mean Local Lead Issue (problem with Service provider )

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Q: What is the meaning of PMA in tellabs 8110 modem?
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What is the LED status in Tellabs 8110 Modem?

When power and line1 led is glowing modem status is OK when power and Pma led is glowing that means local lead is break. when power and pma is glowing but line 1 is blinking that means earth in local lead

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i am in class 9 and i want admission in pma Kakul

When will be the next examination in PMA this 2012?

the examination of PMA this year of 2012 was august 26, 2012.

What does PMA mean in marketing terms?

PMA means "Produce Marketing Association" in marketing terms.

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What was the PMA?

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i want to be a military

How do you enroll in pma?

i want to be a military

Is PMA a stimulant depressant hallucinogen?

PMA stands for para-methoxy amphetamine. It is a stimulant drug, which also has euphoriant (euphoria-inducing) properties.

What is the sample question of PMA?

he is our natinal hero

What is pma concepts?

Absolutely Right. lol