you can type in motherlode after you do ctrl+shift+c that gives you 50,000 or kaching which gives you 1,000
The money cheat xa L R
I don't think Sims 2 has a cheat for 10,000 dollars at once. But there is a cheat for 50,000 dollars: motherlode I always use this cheat for money. Hope I helped! =]
No sorry there is no motive cheat on the sims pets. Edit: There is none for Sims Pets, but there is one for Sims 2 Pets. It is 'maxMotives', also type in 'help' in the Sims 2. That will give you a large list of cheats. Note: Must be in Sims 2, or it will not work.
Yes your game crashes!
Try putting in the money cheat or fill all motives
Yes u can on sims 2 pets on ps2 Just go to gamespy
no because you cannot have babys on sims 2 pets because its for pet and adult sims
it is something where you can enter cheats but first you have to get the gnome and put in cheats like the money cheat and you can go to it to for the money instead of having to do the cheat again
no cheat u have to do it the hard way
There is no cheat, you have to buy the Sims Pets expansion pack if you want animals.
There is no cheat to that.