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Every tank less water heater needs cleaning every3 to 6 months depending on how much you use it and whats it used for. Rinnai is one of the best because they specialize mostly in the category and have outstanding customer service.

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Q: What is the most reliable tankless water heater?
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Where can one buy a reliable tankless gas water heater?

There are many different brands of reliable tankless gas water heaters. They can be purchased at most building supply stores such as Lowe's Home Depot, etc. they can also be purchased at may residential and commercial plumbing companies. Before purchasing a tankless gas water heater one should ensure that it is reliable by asking questions at the local stores and.or doing research on the internet by looking at consumer testing results and reviews by consumers who have purchased them.

Are tankless water heaters available?

Tankless water heaters are available at most hardware/construction retail stores or online stores. Tankless water heater are much more expensive than regular water heaters.

Where can one get a Takagi tankless water heater?

The easiest and most obvious way to get a Takagi tankless water heater is the Takagi website, on which they offer a wide variety of their products directly without a seller in between.

How much propane does a tankless hot water heater use?

Most tankless hot water heaters are electric. I've never heard of a propane one.

Tankless Water Heaters Houston?

Since you may never have to pay for hot water again or pay a hefty monthly water bill, there are tons of reasons you’ll want a tankless water heater, and the most important one is saving money. Tankless Water Heater will provide you with the best heater service in Dallas, TX, and Houston, TX. Give us a call.

How do you install a tanklless water heater?

If you choose to install the water heater yourself, there are instructional videos on the web you can follow, and the item likely comes with instructions in the box. Most companies that sell these items will install it for you for a price.

What is the most energy efficient water heater I can buy?

A tankless water heater is much more efficient than a traditional water heater because it only heats the water that is being used instead of heating and reheating water stored in a tank. Rinnai, Rheem, and Bosch all make versions of tankless water heaters that are well-reviewed.

Where can one go to purchase a Titan Water Heater?

A Titan brand tankless water heater can be found at specific commerce sites on the web currently. Among the most prominent include Amazon, eBay, Sears, and Titan Heater directly.

How to Determine Your Need for a Tankless Water Heater?

The most talked-about type of water heater is the tankless or instant water heater. The tankless heater does not have a reservoir of water to keep heated constantly. It heats the water as it is needed. If you’re like most folks, You want hot water that is fast and plentiful. You want a heater that heats quickly without costing a fortune. You expect your heater to be robust enough to take a shower while the dishwasher is running. For these reason, a tankless water heater falls short. The up-front cost is the first consideration. A 40-gallon tank heater only costs about $800 installed. A comparable tankless water heater can run $3500 or more after installation, depending on whether your new heater fits your old fittings. Another consideration is the level of use. Unless you buy a very hearty tankless heater, it will not be able to multi-task very vigorously. Tankless heaters also have a temperature swing of up to ten degrees--five above and five below the thermostat--and the water can run hot and cold when turned off and on. Despite their nickname, instant water heaters are not. When you turn the tap, a sensor turns on a fan, then a burner, and finally the pipes get hot and the water is heated. That means a twenty second wait for the heated water. Tankless heaters tend to get lime deposits which require regular cleaning. Their pilot light is always lit, so the expense of running a tankless heater is not much less than a tank heater. The tankless heater must heat the plumbing the entire way from the heater to the faucet. After the water is turned off, the plumbing cools. This is the major loss of energy in the system. When the tankless heater is turned on again, it must reheat the pipes anew. Tankless heaters have had reliability issues in the past, when the product was brand new. These bugs have been ironed out but the companies making tankless heaters have had quality issues previously and could again. There are many companies making claims regarding the superiority of tankless heaters. When comparing, be sure to use similar models, not a high end heater versus a lesser model. Check into some consumer report web sites or forums with real reviews from real consumers to help you make you decision.

Does homedepot sale tankless water heaters?

Yes, most all Home Depots do have them in store and also in stock. Occasionally there will be specialties within the water heater that will require them to order one.

Where can I buy a hot water heater?

You can purchase a tankless water heater from Rinnai. Rinnai is a popular site where you can purchase a tankless water heater. Also you can check energy star as well for a water heater as well.

What is the best propane water heater?

Some top-rated propane water heater brands include Rheem, Bradford White, and Rinnai. The best option for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and installation requirements. It's recommended to consult with a professional to determine the most suitable propane water heater for your home.