

Best Answer

Depends which department you want to reach

accounting: 063-225-1379

cashier: 063-225-2560

trading: 063-225-1400

HR: 063-225-1377

plant manager: 063-225-1376

purchasing: 063-225-1398 if the department you wish to contact is not listed, you may call any of the numbers above and inquire from them

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Q: What is the telephone number of granexport manufacturing corporation?
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You failed to mention which country you require. ADT Corporation, which provides home security systems, operates in more than one country.United Kingdom telephone number: 0844 800 1999United Kingdom website: Click hereUnited States telephone number: 888 323 3121United States website: Click here.Canada telephone number: 877 627 0504Canada website: Click here.Australia telephone number: 131-238Australia website: Click hereFor a country not listed here, re-ask your question with the country you require.

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What is the Amazon's telephone number?

Amazon does not have a telephone number that you can call. If you need help, they will email you. In your email, you can leave your telephone number and they will call you.