hit your computer
you cant problem solved
not long luckily. If your having problems, try Technical support!
Ask the Club Penguin Team in the Technical Help section.
Well there may be problems with your computer and it may be too slow. Or, you might have problems with your cache on Club Penguin. Or there could even be a problem on Club Penguin's side.
You have to be a agent to solve problems and report penguin's if you want to be a agent you have to be nice and help other penguin if they have a problem you can always help them . Also Club Penguin agent's look out for penguin and make them a agent.
In reply to that question, all players in Club Penguin should not have a Club Penguin postcard that is themed for the Elite Penguin Force. However, if you meant the Elite Penguin Agents postcard that invites other penguins to become an EPF agent, then there might be a bug or problem with Club Penguin. This postcard should be in the postcards that you can give to other players in Club Penguin.
I think there's a problem with your computer
Billybob is a moderator, who watches out for unruley Penguins. He is one of the top staff, and I'm pretty sure he founded Club Penguin. If you see him, be sure to friend him. Some technical problems or questions are answered by him.Billybob is the creator and publisher of Club Penguin. His real name is Lane Merrifield
NoNo, there isn't a Club Penguin Heaven.You can't die on Club Penguin.
Club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin guffins guffins guffins
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.