any tmobile store, ebay.. basically anything like that (you are talking bout the phone right?)
Yes, Tmobile does offer prepaid plans with the sidekick. You would have to buy the phone outright than set it up on the prepaid plan.
there are 8 sidekicks model out there in the market
there are 8 sidekicks model out there in the market
yeah tyrone's sidekicks
Dallas Sidekicks ended in 2004.
Dallas Sidekicks was created in 1984.
There are about 150 calories in a bottle of SideKicks.
No tmobile phone do not offer the best value. Metro PCS offers the best value in all the phone companies. Tmobile is good but there are a lot more that are better.
sidekick data is special.everything but phone calls and sms use the Danger servers. that's the compan that makes the software for the sks. it all has to go thru there. no other phone can use it and sidekicks wont work with other data plans. asfar as i know, tmobile doesnt like it much either but its what they have to do to keep sidekicks exclusive.
Unless you want to waste your money, sidekicks aren't for sale. And I don't think you'd be such a great guy if you start buying random sidekicks.
Sidekicks are the only phones that flip like that.