You may have spelled the word wrong but here is what i got.....: Invented in 1843 By: Ferdinand Sommer of Weimar It sort of looks like a miniature tuba.
The CD was invented in 2001 Thomas clamps invented it.
invented in 500BC before electricity was invented
Gloria Mejia invented it and she invented it in 1998
When and where were snickerdoodles invented Why were snickerdoodles invented
who invented the washboard?
Yes, the computer is invented.
Invented is the past participle of the verb invent. verb /past /past participle = invent /invented /invented
The Chinese invented the was invented by the Chinese
when was sprite invented ! == == when was sprite invented ! == ==
The first pencil case was invented in 1880 and Ebenezer Wood invented it.
Clothes were invented 1000ends of years ago God first invented the clothes