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Q: Who invented the telephone and copper wire?
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Is a telephone wire copper?


What is telephone wire made of?


How does your voice go through a telephone wire?

it is first converted into an electric signal by your telephone, and then transmitted over the copper wire

What are telephone made of?

Mainly all telephone wires are made of copper with a plastic coating for insulation. Older form of telephone wire had a paper or pulp insulation over the copper wire. They are also a twisted pair cable.

What are telephone wires made of?

Mainly all telephone wires are made of copper with a plastic coating for insulation. Older form of telephone wire had a paper or pulp insulation over the copper wire. They are also a twisted pair cable.

Who invented the string and cup phone?

1667: Robert Hooke invented a string telephone that conveyed sounds over an extended wire by mechanical vibrations.

Why is wire better than copper wire on an electromagnet?

whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet

Difference between wire telephone and electronic telephone?

because the wire telephone has wire in it Answer 2 Well, almost all telephones used today are electronic devices, including mobile phone, wire telephone and ip telephone. Wire telephone is just a sub branch of electronic telephone.

Composition of copper wire in generators?

how much copper is in copper wire

Is copper wire a plasma?

No. Copper wire is a solid

Is copper wire waterproof?

No.. Copper wire isn't

What is the AWG of telephone wire?

Regular telephone wire is rated a 28