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yes they can

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13y ago

Cos' they don't have bits...

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Q: Why can't puffles have babies?
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Can two of the same puffles have babies on club penguin?

No, they cant, but that is a good question. How do puffles breed? maybe they breed when we cant see them?

Can puffels on clubpenguin have babies?

No, Puffles can not have babies!

How do you sell a puffles on club penguin?

you cant sell your puffles

Can your puffles have babies on cp?

yes they can

Can puffles have babies in Club Penguin?

No, of course not!

In club peguin how do you sell your puffles?

you cant

How do you walk two puffles in Club Penguin?

you cant

How do black mambas care there of babies?

red puffles from rockhopper island.

How do you get over 40 puffles on club penguin?

u cant there is a limit of 16 or 18 puffles on club penguin. sorry!

How do you adout a peguin on club peguin?

you cant only puffles

How do you walk all your puffles at the same time?

sorry but you cant

Help you cant find paper craft puffles?

because it is not aviable