Because you aren't logged in, and Answers is verifying that you are not a computer program.
Those letters are a way for websites to verify that you are human and not a machine. Some people design computer programs that pretend to be humans (called Bots), and these bots set up phony e-mail, face-book, twitter, or eBay accounts. They use these accounts to send out viruses and advertisement spam. Most of the programs can't decipher those weird letters, and therefor can't open false accounts or answer questions on this website.
Yes, yes you are.
Nope. Only the ones that I know the answer to.
im asking ,,why u asking me again,,isnt this website for answering question how weird..
There are no weird letters in maths. Greek mathematicians were responsible for a significant amount of the early mathematical work and they, naturally used Greek letters. Many of these letters are still used today. Just because you are not familiar with characters in the Greek alphabet does not make them "weird letters".
Those weird things can be read by people, not by machines. So by making you enter strange letters, they can be certain they're dealing with humans.
That's a weird question. And She was as weird as Lady GaGa
you type
Young adult mostly. But they could be appreciated by adults or younger children, all of the books are quite long. (By the way I know how weird it is for me to be answering my own question!)
That's a weird question...!
No whoever wrote this question is weird
Uh..weird question..she slept with her husband? But in case you are misinformed..her and her friend were raped at gunpoint once...uh...i can't believe im answering this question..
it just makes you feel like your weird. Everyone is weird