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Blushing is considered to be cute because people's faces turn red. This is usually a sign that someone likes you.

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Q: Why is blushing so cute?
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What are some cute adjectives that begin with the letter B?

· blushing

What are ways to solve my blushing problem?

Well, if your a girl, then maybe wear a little bit of blush on your cheek bones so it's not as noticable when you do blush.But if your a guy, please don't hide your's so cute :]

What is a good sentence for ending with blushing?

I stood there, in the hallway, blushing..................or...........................I just put on some makeup, and my friend noticed it so now I am blushing.

Why does this girl act so nervous around you while blushing?

because she wants to know what your blushing about

Does Anubis like Sadie?

He does. He is always flustered and blushing around her, and he kissed her. He is always blushing if he says to much to her, so he definitely does like her.

Is it bad to be blushing while getting asked out?

It is fine to blush. It is pretty cute as well. It makes you seem happy and excited to be asked out and everyone likes when someone feels that way about them. Eventually, you will stop blushing as much when someone asks you out but for now just live with it.

What if you start blushing when he asks you out what do you do?

Blushing is a natural response when feeling shy or embarrassed. You can simply acknowledge it with a smile or make a light-hearted comment about it. Take a deep breath, thank him for asking you out, and respond with enthusiasm that matches your feelings.

How do you work up the nerve to ask a girl out?

All u have to do really is make jokes and if and wen she laughs see if shes blushing. If shes blushing then u should know she probably thinks ur cute. After that u should have the courage to ask her out. Im a grl and this is the way I see it.

How do you talk to a cute boy without blushing?

Well I am friends with almost all the really cute guys at my school, and I still blush in front of them cause their cute. I think you should just blush in front of them it might start something soo.... Just let your instincts take over is my advise!!

What is the past tense of the word blushing?

The past tense of the word "blushing" is "blushed."

What are the actions when you are in love?

by blushing and smile so much and can't believe your in love.

Do guys like girls blushing?

I'm girl so I'm not really sure but I think I It IMO it mainly depends whether the guy likes you or not. If he doesn't really like you then it probably would be a little awkward but if he does then he will probably think it's cute or something.