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None! Smoking is bad for both the mother and baby and can lead to serious medical complications for the baby.

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There are 20 cigarrettes in one pack.

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Q: How many stick of cigarette during pregnancy?
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How many percentage of nicotin are there in one stick cigarette?

It is written on the side of the packet.

What does a stick of cigarette do to you?

It can make you want another one, but apart from that, nothing much. 4,5,6 cigarettes is when the problem begins, but one cigarette is one too many.

Why Is it dangerous to smoke during pregnancy?

If you smoke during pregnancy it is very likely that your child will be extremely hyperactive and have ADHD. Cigarette smoke contains many poisonous substances, but studies have shown that this hyperactivity is caused by carbon monoxide building up in the baby's blood stream. This reduces the oxygen that reaches the baby and causes many problems in development.

Is citrazine safe during pregnancy how many times you can take in a week?

Cetrizine is not safe during pregnancy. You can take promethazine (Phenergan). That is safe during pregnancy.

How many days is normal to bleed in six weeks of pregnancy?

It is not normal to bleed during pregnancy.

How good is passion fruit juice during pregnancy?

Occasional diluted is okay. Too many sweet drinks are not good during pregnancy.

How many figs should you eat during pregnancy?

You can eat as many as you want.

Can pregnancy be a cause of inner body heat?

So many women notice rise in body temperature during the pregnancy. You actually have raised temperature during the pregnancy by half degree Celsius.

Is Premolut is harmful to pregnancy?

So many times progesterone preparations are prescribed by your gynaecologist to you during early pregnancy.

Does smoking a cigarette release nicotine into the bloodstream to a baby while pregnant?

Yes smoking durimg pregnancy can have many effects on the baby, such as a low birth weight

How many trimesters you can sex during pregnancy?

All 3 trimesters.