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It depends how you define "drug". Nicotine is not an illegal drug, like cocaine. Nicotine is claimed to be addictive, but so are alcohol and junk food. Nicotine patches, etc, may be bought in pharmacies, like pain-killers. A drug may be prescribed by a doctor to treat a medical condition and the pharmaceutical industry is trialling nicotine-based drugs to treat pain and treat a whole range of conditions from Tourettes to Parkinsons.

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Q: What is in Benson And Hedges Sapphire cigarettes?
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Does benson and hedges Sapphire has mentol?


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Benson and hedges

What cigarettes do angus young smoke?

he smokes benson&hedges

What brand of cigarettes did sher min chow smoke?

She smokes Benson and hedges Menthol

How much is 20 benson and hedges in Ireland?

Benson and Hedges is a brand of cigarette. In Ireland, a pack of 20 Benson and Hedges costs ó9.10 as of May 24, 2014.

Why can't you find benson and hedges ultra lights deluxe cigarettes?

I heard there was a lawsuit where someone sued Benson & Hedges because they got cancer from smoking Deluxe Ultra Lights. So Benson & Hedges dropped the ultra lights. I don't know if the name was dropped and the deluxe is now ultra lights, but this info was relayed by the the local liquor store.

What was the price of benson and hedges in 1998?

$ 1.50

Where can you buy benson and hedges cigarettes in zip 33563?

Grocers, supermarkets, corner shops and so on. See the related link for a map of shops around your Zip Code in Florida.

What cigarettes taste similar to benson and hedges menthol light?

Salems 100 menthol or menthol lights are as close as you're going to get, and you'll save about a dollar per pack.

How much for a carton of benson and hedges in Gibraltar?


Why is it impossible to find Benson and Hedges Sapphire 100 Cigarettes in Mississauga Ontario Canada?

Probably the same reason Mark 10 and Sportsman are unavailable in British Columbia. I just bought a pack of the Benson and Hedges Sapphire 100's at our local Shell station. If a cigarette does not sell well in certain area's, the company pulls it off the market in that territory. The thing that really peeves me is Health Canada has removed ALL tar and nicotine content from cigarette packs. I smoke the cheapest cigarette with the highest tar and nicotine content. Thank goodness I found "Pall Mall Bold XL's" before they took the nicotine off. They have a nicotine content of 3.2 Mg./cigarette. If I smoke "light" cigarettes, I go through 2 packs a day, whereas smoking high nicotine cigs like Pall Mall, I only smoke a half a pack a day. Try a real tobacconist shop. I am sure you can find Benson and Hedges Sapphire there. I have to go 20 miles to a tobacconist that sells my brand of pipe tobacco-Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish. Good luck!

How many milligrams of nicotine in benson and hedges smooth?

This is a brand of cigarettes that are actually cheaper than most popular brands. It is made with a special blend of tobacco with a rate of .08 mg of nicotine.