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They dont see they use their other senses to "see" or sense whats around them.

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Q: How can eyeless insects in Mammoth Cave see?
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What are some fish that can't see?

Cave fish tend to be blind or even eyeless. They are similar to their species in other respects but their eyes are undeveloped or not present.

Are some alien races eyeless?

If alien races are eyeless they would need a way to see with some other type of sensory system.

Can Mammoth Cave turn into a volcano?

Doubtfully. Mammoth cave was made from water carving paths and fissures through the limestone rock and soil. See the related link for more information.

What are some national park names?

Yellowstone, Glacier, Sequoia, Mammoth Cave, Theodore Roosevelt, Grand Canyon, Everglades, Redwoods, Olympic See

How many miles of mammoth cave have been discovered?

10 miles click to this link to see for yourself mammoths are so cool i luv them but they are scary

Where can one go to see a mammoth in a museum?

There are many places where one can go to see a mammoth in a museum. One can go see a mammoth in museums such as the Milwaukee Public Museum, Yellowstone National Park, and the Western Science Center Museum.

What is the Symbiotic Relationships in the cave ecosystem?

In a cave ecosystem, there are various symbiotic relationships. For example, bats and certain cave-dwelling insects have a mutualistic relationship, where bats benefit from the food source provided by the insects, while the insects benefit from the dispersal of their pollen or seeds by the bats. Additionally, cave-dwelling fish often have a commensal relationship with certain crustaceans, where the fish provide food scraps for the crustaceans, while the crustaceans do not harm or benefit the fish in return.

Where can you see mammoth?

Mammoths are extinct, so you can only see their fossils in museums.

When is a best time to see a bat?

At night... In a cave...? --- The best time is at dusk just as the sun goes down. I don't suggest you enter a cave with bats in it as the smell of the guano can turn most peoples stomachs over. If you stand outside the cave you will see the bats fly off to hunt insects. They usually do this en-mass.

What animals live in Titan Cave?

Caves are home to many animals. A troglobiont ('troglo' means cave or hole in Greek and 'bio' means life) is an organism that lives in a cave.Some animals live only in caves - they are called troglobites (meaning 'cave dwellers'). These animals are adapted to life in the dark (they are often colorless and many cannot see at all) and they cannot survive outside the cave. Some examples include the blind Texas salamander, blind flatworms, eyeless shrimp, eyeless fish, cave beetles, cave crayfish, and some bristletails, isopods and copepods.Some animals live in caves but also venture out of the cave to complete their life cycle - these animals are called trogloxenes (meaning 'cave guests'). Some trogloxenes include some bats (who only roost in caves), pack rats (who nest in caves), cave crickets (who feed outside the cave), flies and gnats.Trogolophiles (meaning 'cave lovers') are animals who sometimes live in caves but also live elsewhere. Some Trogolophiles include cave crickets, cave beetles, salamanders, millipedes, snails, copepods, segmented worms, mites, spider, and daddy longlegs (harvestman).Some animals only enter caves occasionally - these animals are called incidentals. Some incidentals include raccoons, frogs, and people

Why are stick insects hard to see?

because they are camoflage and it is hard to see the stick insects. because they are camoflage and it is hard to see the stick insects.

Where is cliff cave in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Cliff Cave is near Cianwood City. Just go in the cave you see and you'll be in Cliff Cave. When you pass through Route 47, and see many Cave entrances, that will also be considered Cliff Cave.