battery iz dead add it in new battery.
What "Iz" an "Iz"?
becoz it iz 2 much 4 ur cat 2 handle lol
probably referring to Israel Kamakawiwoole's version of What a Wonderful World - aka Bruddah Iz
pe iz Taylor
The Yiddish translation for "It is what it is" is "Es iz vos es iz."
To be simple and short, no. It is not because the only real definition of IZ is a graffiti artist named IZ, or perhaps nicknames IZ, so no it is not allowed. And the spell check on this answer box doesn't recognize IZ.
The Wozard of Iz was created in 1968.
i iz thinkin it iz plastik
In Yiddish, "what is this" is "vas iz dos."
$&@! yes it iz. it iz th best genre out ther
Cali Iz Active was created in 2005.