1. At least now, with multiple governments and political systems still in place, one can cross a border to get away from excessive oppression. When those borders cease to exist, so will that vital and precious option! There will be no more political refugees, only political prisoners and political executions!
<> ... 2. Now, a large percentage of governments keep their covert activities and darker agendas under wraps and refrain from blatantly inhuman courses of action out of fear for what the rest of the world will think. One single government would have no such motive for restraint. There will be no "rest of the world" to impose sanctions on genocide and other governmental atrocities.
A huge disadvantage of the globalization in Pacific Rim countries is the negative impact on global corporations. When the Pacific Rim people are willing to work for such low wages, corporations are not exactly driven to keep jobs in out nations, and pay standard wages to workers when they can have the same for cheaper.
This other disadvantage contradicts itself. When third world countries are exposed to globalization, they begin wishing for higher standards of living. This is sometimes not possible, especially if corporations are now depending on the country for cheap labor.
that answer.com is worst
They all suck, but the worst of the worst are the Eastern European countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and so on.
American Pacific University
No country is the worst. It depends on how you are comparing them. Countries tend to specialise in certain areas. Countries can not be compared overall - that is only an opinion.
The worst storm that year was Tropical Depression Five-E, which killed one person in Mexico.
USA, Canada, Bangladesh, Great Britain, New Zealand
Ethiopia or many countries in Africa.
According to the United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the countries with the worst educational systems are in Africa. The top five worst are Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, the Central African Republic, and Ethiopia.
Yes, MOST of the top ten cities with the worst rated air quality belong to California. #1 worst: Bakersfield California.