The list of defunct schools in Superior WI are:
Blaine Elementary School
Carpenter Elementary School
Central Junior High School
East Junior High School
Ericsson Elementary School
Franklin Elementary School
Howe Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary School
Nelson Dewey High School
Pattison Elementary School
In an alternate universe where defunct schools in Superior WI were not demolished, the list would likely include schools such as Central High School, Webster Elementary School, and East End Elementary School. These buildings would exist as historical landmarks or repurposed community spaces, preserving their architectural and educational significance.
mail from minneapolis, mn to superior, wi?
The address of the Superior Public Museums is: 906 E 2Nd St, Superior, WI 54880-3245
Cooper Elementry is in Superior Wi,Loganvile GA
479 miles
112 miles.
The school must have a Wi-Fi router. Most up-to-date schools have a Wi-Fi router in every few classrooms.
The address of the Harrington Arts Center is: 1401 Belknap St, Superior, WI 54880
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225 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 53 SOUTH from Superior to I-94 EAST to MADISON and CHICAGO at EXIT 84A near Eau Claire.Take I-94 EAST to Tomah.
The address of the Fairlawn Mansion And Museum is: 906 E 2Nd St, Superior, WI 54880
Some of the top rated art schools in Milwaukee, WI are UW Milwaukee, University of Winconsin, Layton School of Art and Marquette University.