In regards to body of water, the highest amount on salinity can be found in Lake Don Juan in Antarctica.
an area with high rates of evaporation
sambhar lake has the highest water salinity in India
The highest salinity levels are typically found in enclosed bodies of water with high evaporation rates, such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake. These areas have limited freshwater inflow and high concentrations of dissolved salts, resulting in extremely high salinity levels.
The highest levels of salinity are found in hypersaline ecosystems such as salt flats, salt lakes, and salt ponds. These environments often have extremely high concentrations of salt due to evaporation of water, leading to conditions that are too harsh for many organisms to survive.
Salinity in the ocean is highest in regions where evaporation is high and precipitation is low. Density in seawater is determined by both temperature and salinity.
Shallow areas with low or no currents and high evaporation.
The Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) are the low salinity waters found in the Southern Ocean.
The highest place on Earth is Mt. Everest. There is no lake on Mt. Everest.
the bottom part
The Baltic is about 1/4 of the normal marine salinity.
contains solvent salinity