

Best Answer

In the Subarctic climate zone located below the Arctic zone.

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Q: Where were the Subarctic indians located?
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what kind of goverment did subartic indians have

What did the homes look like in the Subarctic?

subarctic Indians lived in large mansions with cable TV.

What did the subarctic indians live in?

wigwams. duhhh

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What do subarctic indians do for traditions?

They adopt and adapt as we all do.

What type of shelter did Subarctic Indians have?

they lived in wigwams

Is beothuk indians a part of the subarctic?

No not at the time of the arrival of the Europeans.

What type of food did Subarctic Indians live in?

the sub arctic Indians didn't live in food

How do the subarctic indians get their food?

Depends on what era but today they go to the store.

Subarctic indians followed the caribou?

Yes, some dd, but not all.

What region do the algonqin Indians live in?

They live in the subarctic culture region.

What kind of houses did subarctic indians live in?

i dont know you tell me