you have to use 2 pieces of paper. when you get to the last line you need to make before going over a line put the second piece of paper down draw the line then lift the paper. the pencil will now be in the right place to make the last mark.
That would be impossible to do without tracing over one of the lines. However, you can draw a roof over it without retracing (:
You start out at the bottom left corner, then draw a line diagonally up to the upper right corner. Now that you're at the top, draw a straight line and end it right above the point where you started. Draw another diagonal line down to the bottom right corner, opposite the starting point. Draw a line upwards up to the top right corner, then draw a triangle above the square without lifting the pencil, and finally, draw a straight line down and then across to finish the square. There are many other ways to do this by reversing the technique, etc.
I hope this makes sense. It's difficult to explain without showing it to you.
It's impossible to just draw an X in a square, it needs to be a triangle on top as well...
1. Bottom Left
2. Top Left
3. The Triangle On Top
4. Top Right
5. The Fina Diagonal
or just fold the paper over so you can continue the line on the other side of the sheet and cheat!
If you mean - to draw a square with the diagonals using one continuous line - you can't. It's an impossible puzzle !
you don't
Draw an 'x' in the square by drawing a straight line from each corner to the opposite corner.
Draw a square. Put an X in it.
At the number 2, draw a vertical line (perpendicular to the number line) and mark a distance of 1 unit on this line. Call this point X The distance from 0 to X is sqrt(5). Put a compass with its point at 0 and the pencil at X, and then draw an arc to cut the number line. That will be sqrt(5) on the number line.
On the 32" x 32" square draw two diagonal lines from corner to corner to form a cross. Where the two lines cross marks the centre of the big square.From this centre point, draw a horizontal line to the side perimeter of the big square. Then from the centre point draw a vertical line down to the bottom of the big square.You have now formed a 16" x 16" square inside the big square.
Draw a + then an X.....then you divided a square into 8 equal parts in one way.
draw them both out on a graph and then draw the line y=x through the origin. If one function is a reflection of the other, it is the inverse
Draw a straight line AB of any length x. Draw another line, parallel to AB and at a distance of 2*24/x units from it. Select any point on the second line and call that point C. Join AC and BC. Then triangle ABC will have an area of 24 square units.
Just draw one line and draw another one over that to make it look like some kind of 'X'. The two lines are intersected.
Draw 100 squares of all the same proportion. x
Hard to explain without showing you but i will give it a go and hope you can follow it: draw a V. from the top right or the V draw a straight line down twice the length of the V. go diagonal left towards the bottom of the V. go down diagonal left to form an X. draw a line to the right. go down then left then up to form a square. up again to connect to the top of the X. then draw the triangle at the top.