the cyclops throws a big boulder that blocks the entrance.
A Cyclops has one eye. Cyclops had one eye.
A big rock.
a mountaintop or a really big rock
The Warlord is in Faerie. Near the big tree
The Warlord is in Faerie. Near the big tree
He learned that cyclops are not civilized people because they eat humans and humans don't eat other humans instead they respect them. But, cyclops are not like humans and they eat in very big portions
He blocks the entrance with a big stone
A cyclops: essentially a giant with one great eye.
Odysseus refrains from stabbing the cyclops with his sword because he realizes that by blinding the cyclops instead, he ensures his escape since the monster is the only one who can move the boulder blocking the cave's entrance. Blinding the cyclops allows Odysseus and his men to hide under the sheep and trick the cyclops when he checks for intruders.
Blinding the cyclops instead of killing it allows Odysseus and his men to escape undetected, as they can only be released from the cave by the cyclops. If they had killed the cyclops, they would have been trapped in the cave with no way out. Blinding the cyclops is a strategic move to ensure their own safety and freedom.
A very big boulder.