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Type the coordinates into the mindstorms NXT panel.

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Q: How do you make our NXT Lego Robot move in a square?
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Related questions

What are gears used for in the Lego robot?

The gear are there to make the robot move. You can make them go fast or slow. This comes with the robot when you buy it.

How does a NXT Lego Robot move in a square?

It may be difficult to get the NXT to move in a square depending on the texture of the ground it will be moving on. NXT robots (as well as RCX robots or any other Lego robot) do not move well on carpet, for example. It also depends on the battery power and design of your robot. A robot that has only three wheels will have a much easier time turning on any surface than a robot with four wheels will.

How do you get the spongebob robot to move on chapter 2 of the sponge bob square pants movie the video game?

throw the key on him and then in the main hall make on the menu with the broom funny things,the robot will come and you can go.P.S.the robot won't come if you not throw the key on him

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use the force and work together to move the blocks

How do you make Lego mindstorms arms move?

if you have a Nintendo wii you will need a nunckuck to make your Lego person move

How do you make a Lego stop motion video?

this is a way for a regular camera: you take a picture of a Lego ship and then move it and move it again and you can repeat it as many times as you want.

What do people do to make a robot move?

they ad bolts and screws plus some wires

What is robot manipulation?

Robot manipulation is the system of making a robot Do what you want it to do, and stop doing it when you want it to stop. it involves systems to make the parts of the robot move (mechanical, pneumatic/hydraulic) sensors and sensor calibration, setting safety thresholds and limits.

How long is the move I-Robot?

I, Robot according to IMDB has 115 min.

In WII Lego batman how can you make manbat fly when you are him?

double jumb then move you should be gliding

Move only one stipe and make square plus?

you can make a "T-Square" a plus