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The Hornet is like the Magstrike. You must pump air into the chamber and then hold the trigger to fire its darts.

I do not own the Hornet, but you can experiment with the number of pumps to see which works best for you.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 is an electronic Nerf gun that uses two flywheels in the middle of the gun to propel a dart 20ft. A flywheel is like a RC car wheel.

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12y ago

Load the belt, turn on the "on" switch, and pull the trigger. also see the Nerf vulcan users guide at the Nerf website:

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Which is better vulcan or stampede?

i think that the Nerf stampede is better than the Nerf vulcan

How much money does the Nerf vulcan ebf 25 cost?

the nerf vulcan costs about 49.99

What was the most recent Nerf gun to come out?

i think it was the Nerf vulcan but im not sure Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 to be exact.

Why will the Nerf vulcan will not fire on automatic?

It has to have 6 d batteries in orer for it to work

Which stores sell the Nerf Vulcan?

Hello, it appears as if has numerous Nerf Vulcan guns on sale. Another place that has confirmed Nerf Vulcan guns on sale would be

What is the difference between the Nerf Vulcan and the Nerf havok fire?

nothing its just the English name for the vulcan

Can you UseRechargable batteries for Nerf vulcan?

As long as you are using the correct type of battery rechargables should work with the Vulcan EBF-25.

Can you use Nerf Vulcan chains in the Air zone Punisher?

No, as the Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 belt is not compatible with the Air Zone Punisher Gatling Blaster's belt. It does not fit in the blaster and, because of this, will nto work with it.

What is ESV in Nerf?

well a Nerf ESV is the name of a Nerf n-strike vulcan

How does the Nerf Vulcan shoot?
