"Among the Enemy" by Margaret Peterson Haddix has a total of 56,898 words.
In this world you will have many friends and enemies.
The Enemy of My Enemy has 397 pages.
Get Along With You Enemy Or Kill Your Enemy Or Make Him/Her Disappear
You can make the words: ma, me, am,
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame
Frenemy=friend+enemy. If you make an enemy, they are not your frenemy. If you make a friend, they are not your frenemy, either.
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
I can make four. How many can you make?
Words you can make with the letters in stocking are:stockkingsocksicktickstickkinsintintonsonsingsongcoinstingoninisittosogonocon
Some words that you can make with 'doorich' are:chichoirchordcodcoocorddodocdoorhihidhohodhoododorohororchidridrod