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Around $20.00

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12y ago

a liv doll about 6.63 dollors in toysrus

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Related questions

Where can you get the liv doll Sophie?

you can get the sophie liv doll at grenada the isle of spice

How much is the shipping and handling to buy a liv doll?

it will coast 4.97 at walmart

What is the password to Liv doll?

You have to get a doll then look at the code.

What shoes fit liv doll?

well liv doll shoes of course but you probaly already know that. but stardoll shoes you know that game star doll well barbie made a doll with acsesorie packs and they come with like three pairs of shoes and some clothes and they both fit liv doll and monster high shoes fit liv doll to.

What is a code for a liv world doll?

Why don't you get a doll and get one yourself? golly

Need a doll code to play liv worldcom?

If so, too bad, I think you might need tp pay 17.00 for a Liv doll at walmart ( 97 cent shipping, not sold in stores!)_____________________________________________________________Liv dolls cost around 20 to 30 dollars. Liv doll access codes are no longer needed because of the newly updated website with unlimited access to the games and more. decided that it was no longer needed. I agree!

Can Liv doll wigs fit monster high dolls?

All you have to do is cut the little thing that connects the wig to the Liv doll and super glue or hot glue the wig to the doll's head.

Can you buy a liv doll from Walmarts?

Yes you can buy a liv doll from wal-mart since wal-mart has been lowering prices, the ones with the dogs, and the regular ones are both $19.99 in Canada Im not sure how much they are in the u.s Wal-mart also sells liv doll accessories and clothing.

What is the most favorite liv doll?

all a tie :)

Is Danielle Jakes the Liv doll girlfriend?

no its Katie. Danielle pretty much had no interest in Jake what so ever.

Where to find LIV doll daniela?

amazon do all the liv dolls apart from wave 2 and 3 daniela

Why were liv dolls discontinued?

Because of a new doll called La Dee Da. This is sort of like the bratz and barbie incident. If they continue to make Liv then they would have three doll lines victorious,liv,and la dee da. If they have three doll lines then they would have to hire more people to discuss and share ideas for lines and they would maybe have people who helped work on liv help work on la dee da. Whoever wants a liv doll needs to get one now