The bear was kinda yellowish-white because it was a polar bear. The hunter started out at the North pole and after shooting the bear, he only had to walk due North 1 km to make it back to camp.
In addition: the polar bear stayed the same color after it was shot, except for any blood from the gunshot wound.
Polar bears rule
leaves bideford sat27th 0900 returns at 2030,leaves ilfracombe on 30th 1000 returns at 1830
A panda eat shoots and leaves
A panda eat shoots and leaves
The Walking Stick is a vegetarian and diets on leaves.
One day a hunter leaves his house and walks 10 miles to the south, then walks 10 more miles to the east, where he kills a bear a takes it home walking 10 more miles to the north. Question: What color is the bear? The bear would be white. It's a polar bear. The hunter is at the north pole.
Neomarica gracilis or walking iris has sword like leaves.
sockeye salmon
Walking sticks usually lay their eggs in the soil, or on the underside of leaves.
They eat the leaves and green shoots of plants.
You can get them by talking to your Pokemon while walking.