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No. Shi is not a legal English Scrabble word.

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What does Shi gatsu mean?

"Shi gatsu" is the Japanese word for the month of April. It consists of two kanji characters: "shi" meaning "four" and "gatsu" meaning "month." Together, they form the word for the fourth month of the year.

What is the Japanese word death in English letters?

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What is the word 'four' when translated from English to Japanese?

Shi or yon. (Shi when counting from one to ten, yon thereafter.)

What is the Mandarin word for down?

Shi- ya: 下

What language is shi-shi?

Japanese. Typically used as "go shi-shi", which means, excuse me, "I have to pee [pee pee]. ...or Chinese. "Xie xie", which could easily be heard as "shi-shi" if the listener is unfamiliar with Chinese, means "thank you". In Japan, "shi shi" sounds pretty babyish - it's usually used when speaking to little kids or pets.

What is the Japanese word for city?

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What is the word 'poem' when translated from English to Japanese?

詩: shi

What is the word 'death' when translated into Japanese?

You may say 'shi.'

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In English, "lao shi" means "teacher" or "professor."

Is Shi A Swear Word?

"Shi" is not inherently a swear word in English, but it can be considered offensive or inappropriate to some people in certain contexts or cultures. It is always important to be mindful of how words can be perceived by others.

How do you write the word 'story' in Chinese?

故事 gu shi