snooker, because this is the order in which the coloured balls are layed out on the table (Green Blue Yellow)
B (Black). Order of snooker balls.
the idea of snooker is to pot a red ball first,then a coloured ball,then a red ball again,etc... until all the red balls are gone,then the coulourd balls are potted in the following order yellow,green,brown,blue,pink,black points for potting each ball red:1 point yellow:2 points green:3 points brown:4 points blue:5 points pink:6 points black:7 points
There is several forms of billiards. I'll go over the most popular. 8 BALL: The object is to sink all the stripes or solids followed by pocketing the 8 ball in the pocket you called or marked. 9 BALL: The object is to pocket the balls in order from 1 to 9, whoever makes the 9 ball in first wins. 14:1(Straight Pool) The object is to pocket balls until you are the first to reach a pre-determined total.
The black ball is put back on the table and the players try to pot it in order to win.
Yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black.
Bucky balls are not naturally found but it can be take by special order.
Only if you order it that way.
Personalized golf balls vary from company to company. The general price will depend on the amount you will order. You can purchase 2-3 dozen personalized golf balls for about $53.00. The prices get cheaper the more your order.
hit it in this order 1342
The correct answer is "maybe". The original game of billiards refers to English Billiards and this is nothing like pool. English billiards uses balls that are 52.5mm (2-1/16 inches) in diameter. The Carom Billiards games, such as Three Cushion, is also nothing like pool. Carom billiard games use balls that are 61.5mm (2-7/16 inches) in diameter. Both English and carom billiard ball sets use 3 balls: a white one, a red one, and another white one with a spot on it (sometimes substituted with a yellow ball). However, the term billiards today nearly always refers to the Pocket Billiards games, most likely 9 Ball or 8 Ball. These are also referred to as pool games and all use the same balls. These balls are 57.15mm (2-1/4 inches) in diameter. There are 15 numbered balls and a white cue ball in a typical set.