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the batteries you use to shoot the vulcan all have to be brand new batteries that have never been used before.

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yeah i can call it a machine gun

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Q: Nerf vulcan full auto
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What does the batteries on the Vulcan Nerf gun do?

The batteries make the gun go full auto.

Why won't my Nerf vulcan advance on full auto?

with the vulcan there is a handle at the back on top of that there is a cover pop that up than switch it to on it will work or put in some d batties

Should you get the Nerf vulcan or Nerf longshot?

vulcan is automatic but requires batteries to go full auto it fires pretty well when not in full auto mode but sometimes the vulcan jams. If you have enough money get the vulcan if not the longshot is a nice alternative but any answer to this question is some ones opinion it really depends on what how you play in a Nerf war because the Vulcan due to short barrel and batteries it does not shoot very far (even with modifications) or accurately but has a fast rate of fire so this gun is suited to people that are more wild in their shooting. the Longshot however is the opposite and more suited to people who are cool, calm and accurate.

Are any Nerf guns automatic?

There are no Nerf brand guns that feature full semi-auto function, but someone in Singapore found a brandless one that does. Here's the link: Actually on December 6th, 2010 they are releasing a new gun called the Nerf barricade, It's semi-auto and battery powered.

How do you get the Nerf vulcan to shoot?

You need to put the betteries in, fill the belt with darts, load the first dart holder into the chamber, close it, rack the bolt, switch it to full auto, then fire. I think it should work.

Has Nerf made a sniper rifle with rapid fire?

Not yet, but the spartan will have a bipod and it may be full-auto or semi-auto.

Names of the guns for Nerf?

Here are some of the names for Nerf Dart Guns (not the full names) Maverick (the revolver kind) Recon (the one with interchangeable parts) Longshot (the really long sniper rifle with a scope) Vulcan (the machine gun that shoots fast) nite finder (single shot pistol) hornet (6 barrel shotgun, semi auto, pump) titan (rocket launcher, pump, shoots big bullet) scout (pistol, breaks realy easily)

Describe the Nerf Spartan and the Nerf Rev Cs12?

The Spartan is now only full auto and maybe semi auto. There was reccently a vid posted on youtube of the spartan in shanghai markets. The vid is ,"3 new Nerf guns-unreleased". It has 6 tactical rails, 2 on top 2 on bottom and 1 on each side.There is currently no info on the Stampede release date. I do not expect Nerf to come out with it. In the video game it has 2 barrels with a maveric revolver on the back of each. Rev stands for revolver.

Can someone give you a list of all the names of all the Nerf guns available?

Nerf has a complete and full catalog of their items on their official website.

When did Full Auto happen?

Full Auto happened in 2006.

Is the Dboy CQB carbine full auto?

I have the same gun and i use it on full auto all of the time. So yes it has full auto.

When was Full Auto created?

Full Auto was created on 2006-02-10.