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Q: What Five letter word when you sleep and sound like kite?
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What is the long vowel of the word kite?

The long vowel sound in the word "kite" is the letter "i".

What five letter words have the same vowel sound as Kite?

The rhyming words are fight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight, and with the same spelling white, write, trite, smite, and quite. The long I sound also appears in words such as fried, guide, pride, style, trial, child, and many other 5-letter words.

What is a 10 letter compound word for tall building that contains the vowel sound in kite?

The word "skyscraper" has the long I sound in "sky" as in the word "kite."

What is a 7 letter compound word for when the sun comes up that contains the vowel sound in kite?

The word "sunrise" has the long I as in kite.

What is the vowel sound in kite?

the I in kite has a long I sound, and the E is silent.

Is kite long or short vowel?

The word "kite" has a long vowel sound for the letter "i." In this case, the "i" says its name because it is the last letter in a closed syllable followed by a silent "e."

Does kite have a long I sound?

Yes, the word "kite" has a long vowel sound for the letter "i." It is pronounced like "ai" in English.

What is same vowel sound as kite?

The word "light" has the same vowel sound as "kite."

What word begins with the same sound as kite?

The word "cat" begins with the same sound as "kite."

Does kite have a short vowel sound?

Yes, the word "kite" has a short vowel sound because the "i" is pronounced as /ɪ/.

Does kite have a short i sound?

Yes, the word "kite" has a short i sound, pronounced as /kʌɪt/.

Is kite short I sound?

Yes, the word "kite" is short and contains the short /i/ sound as in "sit" or "miss."