How much money is the number 403 first generation princess diana ty beanie baby worth?
The Princess Diana Ty beanie baby is currently worth $28. The Princess Diana beanie baby was released in 1997.
The Princess Diana Beanie Baby with the number 0842104300 that is a first edition made in China with PVC pellets is one of the first of this kind of Beanie Baby. They were later made in Indonesia. How much it is worth will depend on it's condition. You could sell it on eBay.
Princess Diana, its purple, google it.
What qualifies the bear as a first edition
she looks horrible!!!! that will be all????!!!!!? ID
Your answer might be found here but many of the Beanie Babies are worth less than one $1.
Princess Diana beanie babies are worth about $2 to $5 dollars. A lot of them were made which drives the price down.
It was just named "Princess". It was a purple bear with a white rose embroidered on it's chest.
US $29,999.99Approximately C $30,318.00See the related link for a website to buy one.