Processes themselves do not have suspense, as they are a series of steps or actions. However, the outcome or result of a process may create suspense if there is uncertainty or anticipation surrounding it.
Danger is a situation that can be used to create suspense in a short story. If you have someone in the story in danger, it will add suspense to the story.
when you create suspence e.g. in a movie the music may create suspense
Having suspense is to create a waiting and a wonder of something to come.
how does the use of point of view create suspense in a passage
To create suspense for the reader
Some examples of words containing "create-" are "create," "creation," and "creative."
Details that show tension
when they first get to the jail their is some bad behavior coming from the new imates
That's how you create suspense in anything - knowing (or thinking you know) that something bad is about to happen makes you tense and worried. When a reader knows something that the character(s) don't, it also makes them tense and worried, which is how you define suspense.
Anxiety, uncertainty
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