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Q: What are words that end with ing and describe up?
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What are words that end in ing that describe dad?

Dads are described as encouraging. They also are caring, coaching, hardworking, inspiring, loving, motivating, protecting, sacrificing, teaching and understanding.

Some love words that are 2 syllables that end in ing?

Some two syllable words that describe love are fondness, passion, worship, and adore. You can look up some more words on thesaurus.

Is the word surroundings a compound word?

Yes, the word "surroundings" is a compound word made up of the two words "surround" and "ings."

What are ing words that describe Halloween?

"Spooky," "haunting," "costumed," "festive" - these are all examples of "-ing" words that can be used to describe Halloween. "-Ing" words are often used to convey ongoing actions or states, making them particularly effective for capturing the atmosphere and essence of Halloween festivities. By using these descriptive words, one can paint a vivid picture of the eerie and exciting spirit of Halloween celebrations.

does anyone know where the nonesense words ing wong way katsa lama zay come from?

my father made it up

Words to describe the smallest and the biggest?

Here is a sentence with some words that describe or mean the smallest and the biggest.I do not give one iota if you have the universe hanging on your back you still have to clean up this celestial size mess. You must clean it up so there is not one nano speck of dust or filth. If you do not clean it that well you will end up with a planet sized sore on your behind.

What is a mini saga?

A mini saga is a brief piece of writing that has precisely 50 words and a title that can have up to 15 words. A mini saga cannot describe something but it has to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

What are some Verbs ending in ''ing'' that describe the sun and the moon?

Shining; brightening; blinding; etc.

What verbs begin with letter c?

Um how a bout climbing or crawling. well, there are quite a lot, for example: catching, catching up, carving, changing, checking out, chewing, cheering, chirpig, chooseing, choping, circulating, etc... just look in a dictionary under 'c' verbas are words that describe an action, just ask yourself 'what are you doing? you can also take a noun and place ing on the end

What is a morphograph?

All words are made up of morphographs. All morphographs have meaning. Some words have only one morphograph and other words are made up of more than one morphograph. All the words in these sentences are morphographs which have meaning. The word 'meaning' is made up of two morphographs 'mean' and 'ing'. The word 'words' is made up of two morphographs 'word' and 's'.

How many syllables in up in heaven keeping you floating?

There are 9 syllables. Up - in - hea-ven - keep-ing - you - float-ing.

Can you set up a 401k online with ING?

Yes, you can set up a 401K online with ING. Check out for more information about this.