Easily Persuaded.
Gullible means easily persuaded into doing something. It can also mean easily tricked. For example: "The animal was gullible, it went for the trap as soon as it saw the food." Thanks for reading, addieh99
The definition of the word gullible is someone who is naive or easily persuaded to believe or do something. It can also mean they are innocent and a follower.
The meaning of gullible is someone that is easily persuaded to do something.
Gullible: Easily persuaded to believe something
That the crowd of Rome is easily persuaded.
Yes, "gullible" is an adjective. It is used to describe someone who is easily persuaded or deceived.
No, "meanable" is not a recognized English word. The correct term would be "amenable" which means responsive to suggestions or easily persuaded.
Flair will do anything to entertain the fans.
What does it mean to be easily led?
One antonym for persuaded is dissuaded
I Could Be Persuaded was created in 1990.