Remember, first, that Ouija boards ARE dangerous.
If one says that someone is present, but doesn't explain who/what, then it's a demon toying with you. Technically, all spirits communicated with by Ouija boards are demons toying with you.
There is no protection when using a ouija board. When you deal in dark things such as ouija boards, hypnosis, palm reading, communicating with the dead, and things like this you open your spirit to everything. Good and Evil. This is not a wise decision another response: If you believe that using an Ouija board is sinful, or that the Ouija board is controlled by an evil spirit, then it is not possible for you to avoid feelings of fear, guilt, sin and evil if you choose to use the Ouija board.
Captain Howdy
There are many ways to "release a spirit" from a ouija board. You can move the planchette backwards through the numbers, invite the spirit to come out formally, or move the planchette off of the board during a conversation with a spirit. Beware! It is NEVER a good idea to invite a spirit into your home (or anyone else's.) Spirits are tricky, and not to be trusted. Stay Safe! ALJ
It depends if you want to talk with spirit
There are many ways to contact a spirit. The most famous one is the Ouija. (Oh my god! NO THE OUIJA!) It can be safe. You can contact many spirits through Ouija. Never let many opinions get to you. It can be dangerous but if you feel you can't stay calm and brave! then I suggest don't go near a Ouija board. Don't even think about spirits because it will arouse your curiosity. Always before using a Ouija board to know what to ask and to go straight to goodbye if you feel uncomfortable. Flip the board when you are done.
yes, spirits can be released through the ouiji board. If you take your hand off the glass (or whatever you are using) you are inviting the spirit into your home or where ever you are.
the best thing to do is when you contacted an evil spirit, which is when it goes it a figure eight, is to say goodbye straight away.
A spiritualists boarda ouija board A spirit or witch board.
the board doesn't, the spirit that your talking to does if you make it angry.
== Answer == Ouija boards are used with a tool and when you ask it a question to place your hand on the tool (a pointer) and it spells out the answer to your question. It will give you a "yes" or "no" answer or spell out the name of a person, etc. Table tipping is when someone tries to conjure up a spirit and asks the spirit questions and the table tips as if the entity is communicating. Some say when this practice is used the table can rock back and forth violently. How much truth there is in this and how many magic tricks are used is anyone's guess.Even psychics will tell people that the Ouija board is a dangerous game to play and summon up demons.
Spirits can easily be released from a ouija board. If too many are summoned at once they can cause great danger. expecially a kodiku curse.
One of the easiests ways to channel a spirit is through a ouija board. You could also have a seance. *I do not recomend using a ouija board though, or anything else to channel spirits because it is very DANGEROUS, and can lead to hauning, possession, or worse.... it is giving spirits permission to enter our world, and remember not all spirits are good.* *** please don't try this***