I don't recall what he said.
There are two anagrams for the word "recall". They are:CallerCellar
The correct spelling for this word is commemorate. It means to show respect or recall something or someone in a ceremony.
These words also mean recollection: memory, recall, reminiscence, memoir, retrospection.
Well you may want to check your spelling... I don't recall homzygous being a real word.
Sure! "I couldn't recall where I left my keys after getting home yesterday."
Memory Recall/Clear
I don't recall her name being on the roster. Please recall the strike force at once.
The word 'recall' is a verb; it represents an action (the action of recalling something).
Rappeler is a verb that means to remember or to recall.
It means to call or to start. recitation is an example of a word with the root "cit". It means to recall out loud