

What heroic deed of lam-ang?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What heroic deed of lam-ang?
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Who were heroic in 'Antigone'?

Antigone, Haemon, Ismene and Teiresias are heroic in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.). Specifically, heroic describes an individual who does great deeds, hold great powers or is the main character. Theban Princess Antigone is heroic as the main character and the doer of the great deed of burying her brother and honoring the gods. But Haemon, Ismene and Teiresias may be said to join her in specific heroic acts of selflessness.

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What is heroic idealism in 'Antigone'?

Antigone's heroism because of her convictions is heroic idealism in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the term heroic describes the great deeds and great powers of the protagonist. The term idealism describes experience in terms of the hero's beliefs. Both descriptions fit Theban Princess Antigone's heroic deed of burying her brother Polyneices and her heroic power of the mind of respecting the role of the gods in life and death.