No. The word 'cross' comes from the Latin 'crux', a Roman torture device used for crucifixion.
Chi -- it resembles a x.
It is the first two letters of the word "Christ" in Greek
its actually 'Σταύρος' or 'Stavros' & its a Greek name for a male, its English equilvalent is Steven, it comes from the Greek word σταυρóς; meaning cross
The Greek flag contains the colors blue and white.
A Greek cross is usually located above an X. The Greek cross has a horizontal line and a vertical line. Each line will have an equal length to it.
Jehovah's Witnesses see the cross as a pagan symbol and believe that it was an upright stake with no crossbeam that Jesus was nailed to. Actually, even though many people have not been taught this by their religious system, the word 'cross' is not in the original Greek Bible manuscripts. The word 'stake' or 'tree' is in the Greek manuscripts. Thus Jehovah's Witnesses use the word 'stake', because that's the actual word in the Bible.
He was hung on a stake not a cross, the translation for the word cross from Greek is stauros which means upright pale or steak. The actual cross is an idol for nature worship and pagan sex rites.
a tau cross.
It is. Since the Greek Orthodox Church is under Christianity, the cross is a "holy symbol".