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Q: What is another word for the word nautical?
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What is another word which means towards the front?

Used in nautical language, "Forward"

What is a 4 letter word for nautical greeting?

The word "ahoy" is the nautical equivalent of "hello."

Is there another word besides hulk for ship's prison?

Yes, another word for a ship's prison is "brig." It is a nautical term commonly used to refer to the place on a ship where prisoners or troublemakers are confined.

What is Another name for a nautical mile?

A Nautical Mile is also known as a Sea Mile.

What does the word nautical mean?

Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such. Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such.

What English worrd comes from the latin word nauta?

The English word "nautical" comes from the Latin word "nauta," which means sailor.

How do you use the word nautical in a sentence?

The captain asked me "how many nautical miles are we off the shore?"

How do you use nautical in a sentences?

One good sentence with the word 'nautical' is... "A nautical mile is longer than a statute mile." P.S.-Hope this helps

What is the root of aeronautics?

Nautical is the root word.

How many syllables are in the word nautical?


What is a sentence with the word nautical?

My sister loves to dress in nautical styles with sailor collars and white pants.

Who uses the word nautical mile?

The word nautical miles are frequently used by mariners, seafarers, a measure of distance on a geographic map and standard of measure S.I.